Black scrawled cowfish (Cá Bò) is a popular street food
in Nha Trang, Khánh Hoà. The name of this fish comes from their black
skin like coal. The appearance of this fish is ugly and not attractive
but it becomes the delicious food after cooking.

Black scrawled cowfish (Cá Bò)
There are many style of making this Vietnamese street food
in my opinion, however, the grilled way is the best chosen. The fresh
one is caught from the sea is the good one. Then, using the sharp knife
to cut it, take the skin out and cut slightly some straight slice on the
fish. Finally, adding some ingredients onto the fish and bring it on
the hot coal. The good chef will grill the fish in the small fire, and
turn the fish frequently to avoid it is too fire.

Black scrawled cowfish (Cá Bò)
When making the fish, do not through its skin away due to it is also a good food. Slice the skin into small pieces. Eating this Vietnamese street food
is less delicious if you do not use their special sauce which is made
from the local chilies. Besides that, some vegetables like papaya,
carrot and herbs are some things which cannot miss.

Black scrawled cowfish (Cá Bò)
enjoy this Vietnamese Street Food, you need to combine the fish’s meat,
the vegetables and the skins together and then put them into the sauce.
The soft and sweet of fish, the brittle of the skins and the spicy of
sauce are mixed into each eating that makes you have good feeling. If
you cannot come to Nha Trang, you can come to Khoái restaurant on Le Quy
Don Street, district 3 Ho Chi Minh City to enjoy this dish. The
restaurants open at 7 A.M and close at 10 P.M.

Come and enjoy this Vietnamese street food
when you visit NhaTrang, KhanhHoà. You not only can see the beautiful
beach in here, but also can enjoy many amazing dishes, especially Black
scrawled cowfish. Good Luck for your Travel and do not miss to taste
this dish when you are here. See you soon.
Vietnam Beauty!
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